I chose Goshen College knowing I wanted to go on Study Service Term and then thought maybe I'd do a year of international voluntary service. After my SST experience was delayed until the end of my senior year I felt that a year of domestic voluntary service might be a better fit. I applied to Mennonite Voluntary Service (through Mennonite Mission Network) because I walked past a poster of MVS Tucson almost every day for a semester when I had a class on the 3rd floor of Wyse (the poster is probably still there for any intrepid explorers).
After my application was accepted I became very excited about the prospect of spending a year in a different state hopefully doing some kind of work around immigration. In my position with the Florence Immigrant and Refugee Resettlement Program (FIRRP) I will do just that while also learning more about legal work. FIRRP provides representation to some detained individuals and education for others to successfully represent themselves.
Through this blog I hope to capture and share some of my experiences in the next 11 months. Feel free to contact me to hear more!